Create the table plan for your birthday party online with Wonderfulday

Creating a table plan for your birthday party can be stressful. There are so many different things to take into account such as the number of guests, how well the guests know each other and the size of the tables. But don't despair! Wonderfulday's digital table plan tool gives you a smart, digital drawing tool to design your own unique table plan.
Smart and easy drawing program

Smart and easy drawing program

With our smart digital drawing program, you can create your own unique table arrangement on your PC or smartphone in just a few minutes. You can choose the number of guests, the size of the tables and the interior of the room yourself. You can then drag and drop guests to their seats directly from your guest list. You can also add notes for each individual guest, e.g. name, dietary preferences, allergens and any other special requirements.

Download the app on the App Store or Google Play

Our digital planning tool is available as an app for iPhone and Android smartphones. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play. From your smartphone, you can quickly and easily change your table plan using our tool. Start planning your birthday party today with Wonderfulday. Easy and effective.